Cristina e Renata Cosi
Andrea Facco
Federico Ferrarini
Luca Marignoni
camera 17
February 26 - April 8 2022
KROMYA ART GALLERY was founded in 2018 in Lugano by Tecla Riva, Giorgio Ferrarin and Adriano A. Sala as a result of a long-standing common passion and expertise. In 2020 KROMYA expanded its headquarters with a new outpost in Verona, Italy.
From February 26th to April 8th, 2022, KROMYA Art Gallery in Verona hosted the group exhibition Ossimori: a show that saw the participation of five artists, Cristina and Renata Cosi, Andrea Facco, Federico Ferrarini and Luca Marignoni, and that explored themes such as illusion, metamorphosis and dissimulation of reality through painting and sculpture.

Curated by Matteo Galbiati, the exhibition proposed works capable of questioning the truth of what appears, generating a continuous redefinition of perceptual data. Deception and mimesis, revelation and representation are the terms with which each of their interventions reconfigures the data acquired by the gaze.
The exhibited works highlighted the expressive power of the five artists’ works, which, when compared, accentuated their peculiar qualities thanks to this dialectic of reciprocal proximity.
In the research of Cristina and Renata Cosi, ceramics took the form of skins, fabrics, pages, on white, empty and light supports. Instead, Andrea Facco’s painting interrogates, pursuing the punctuality of hyperrealism, what had already been represented. His reality moves away from the initial one to deduce the essence of something different in a continuous transformation of the visible.
Federico Ferrarini, between painting and sculpture, opened a spatiotemporal connection with our world by transferring from the two-dimensionality of canvases to the three-dimensionality of sculptural installations a transfiguring vibration that lingers on the evidence of atavistic and cosmic energies, the same ones that regulate the universe in which we are immersed.
Finally, Luca Marignoni, in the elaborated essentiality of his forms, debated the duality of opposites by altering the physical state of the material and making it vibrate with unusual formal evolutions; thus he sought the vital energy that matter itself preserves, retains and lets explode, returning it to the gaze that is capable of intercepting it in its new possibilities and truths.
Materie Prime: LUCE
November 30 2021 - January 24 2022
KROMYA ART GALLERY was founded in 2018 in Lugano by Tecla Riva, Glorgio Ferrarin and Adriano A. Sala as a result of a long-standing common passion and expertise. In 2020 KROMYA expanded its headquarters with a new Verona, Italy.